As the days get warmer, more and more outdoor projects are being worked on. Whether it is fixing, building, hiking, camping, or planting something. Along with these projects come the possibility for getting cut by something, bitten by a snake,touching stinging nettle, or getting stung by bees. Yet, there is an herb that will help relieve the pain and possibility of infection for these kinds of wounds. The plant is called plantain.
Some may recognize this plant as a pesky weed that invades their lawn. much like a dandelion. However, having some that handy is wonderful. If one were to cut their hand on a blade, but desired to keep working. They could bruise a bunch of the leaves, place it on the cut and wrap it securely. This will help prevent infection from spreading, as well as pull any harmful substances that may have entered the cut. If someone has an infection already that is preventing the wound to close, this plant can still draw out that infection and prevent further spreading.
For snake bites, stinging nettle and bee stings the process is the same. However, sometimes the plant itself is not readily available. In this case it is beneficial to have plantain ointment on hand. This allows for quick and easy application to the area that has been affected. For snake bites, the application of plantain will help pull any poison that has been injected in the body. If the stinger from the bee has been left in the skin, it will also be drawn out. In the case of a hike where stinging nettle is found, if the plantain ointment was forgotten, not to worry. Within eyesight of the stinging nettle should be some plantain. This should also work well with mosquito bites and other skin irritations.
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