Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Herb Corner Issue 5

Recently I had someone ask me what things would be good to get rid of headaches without using pain killers. Headaches come from many different things. If one is cleansing and a headache occurs than that is because that is where the cleansing needs to take place. If it gets unbearable slow the cleansing. Eventually the headache will subside on its own.

Also, remember to look at diet. If there is too much sugar or caffeine than this can be the cause of the headache. If one is eliminating these things and the headaches occur, it is a symptom of withdrawal. For most it is better to take in less and less until they can stop. This way the cleansing doesn't happen too fast and create other problems.

As for stress headaches, take a break and take a good look at the stress. If it is something in your control, set it aside or eliminate it. If the stress is not within your control, see it as such and don't let it bother you so much.
If it is a migraine, one of the herbs that is most beneficial is Feverfew. Other herbs that are beneficial for the brain include: Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, and Skullcap. These herbs are used to aid the neurons to be able to fire properly as well as provide nutrients that may be missing.

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