Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Herb Corner Issue 12

For the last few months I have been able to work with reflexology. Reflexology is massaging pressure points in the hands and/or feet to facilitate in healing other spots in the body. Attached is the hand reflexology chart. If you would like the Foot Chart you can either email me or go to the blog, when it is up. The nice thing about hand reflexology is that it can be done anywhere, foot reflexology however is something one should probably keep in a less public place.

Most of my experience has been with the feet so my explinations will aplly mostly to the feet, however, they can still be applied to the hands. Please have the person you are working with wash their hands (or feet) so they are clean to work with.

One starts a reflexology session with relaxation techniques to get the muscles to relax. This can be done through several means. For toes, you can do a light twisting from side to side and also the over under technique -moving your index finger between each toe, like a worm, over one toe and under the next. For the rest there are several techniques. The foot wobble- place both hands on the sides of the foot and move your hands in opposite directions as the hands move up and down the foot. There is the over/under technique where you put one hand on the top of the foot near the toes and the other on the heel, then gently rotate the foot clockwise and counter clockwise. Then there is the foot twist- place both hands on the inside side (side that touches other foot) placing on hand close to the ankle to hold it steady and the other to gently twist the foot as it moves towards the toes.

The last technique that everyone seemed to enjoy the best is called the 'Woo Woo'. With this technique you hold your hands an inch away from the foot on both sides, starting at the heel and pulling towards yourself. This is done a couple times, then shake off your hands on the right side. This is an energy technique and what it is doing is pulling off the negative enery so positive energy can enter. The negative energy collects on your hands as that it why you need to shake it off. The right side is important, because energy is absorbed on the left side and released on the right side. So to prevent yourself from absorbing the negative energy it is thrown away on the right side.

Once relaxation techniques are done you want to start with the toes. With one hand support the toes to they don't bend or get damaged while you work. With the other hand do little inching movements across each individual toe then across the entire bottom of the foot. It is easiest to work in lines as big as your thumb or whichever finger is easiest to use. The working hand (the one inching) and the non-working hand (supporting the toes) can switch at any time. As you work you will encounter tender or painful spots. Stop when you find one and gently work on it. When working on specific spotsone can either work in a circular movement or one can press the spot for seven seconds and release for three. Repeat this two or three times then restart the inching. If you are finished with the foot you can go back and cover the tender spots one more time. When the entire foot has been worked, repeat relaxation techniques. Work on one foot at a time. When the session is over, you will want to wash your hands. Even though they were clean, they will feel dirty afterwards, this is due to the negative energy that was released while you worked.

When working with someone, it helps to have a non-colored chart so you can mark where the tender places are instead of trying to remember where they all are. The chart can be used for more than one session, just be sure to use a different color for each session.

Before I forget, reflexology can be used to aid in emergency situations. For example, if someone is having a hard time breathing, the lung and diaphragm areas can be worked without having to do the relaxation techniques. The cautions that need to be taken when doing reflexology is when working with the very young (children and infants), the elderly and women who are pregnant. With these people with inching needs to be soft to a light touch. If there has been an injury to the hand or foot, or there is a corn or an elevated blood vessel do not work these areas. They are sensitive and by massaging them it can cause irritation or damage.

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