Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Herb Corner Issue 1

Importance of Cleansing:

When treating any disease, we need to work on the cause and not the symptoms. Symptoms are the body's way of telling us that something is wrong. If we take medications to stop the symptoms then we are only delaying the repair or prevention of whatever it is that is wrong. By working on the cause, however, then the symptoms will leave and the possibility of reoccurance is reduced.

The way we work on the cause is through cleansing and nourishing. Cleansing to eliminate the toxins we have built up over a series of years; nourishing to give the body the necessary building blocks to fix and heal itself. It is important that nourishing, almost always*, comes after cleansing. The reason for this is, if you cleanse to fast (to long) and do not allow the body to recover and you can kill yourself. *There are a few cases where you want to cleanse as fast and aggressively as possible.

During cleansing one will experience something we refer to as the cleansing crisis. What it is, is general aches and pains that come from the areas that need the most cleansing. Some of these are things like headaches or just an overall feeling of illness. However, if you are cleansing and your symptoms are the same as someone in your family who is not cleansing then disease has set in. If while you are cleansing you are having pains that are similar to appendicitis, an enema needs to be administered to get the bowels open and free from obstructions. Enemas are only to be used in an emergency. Laxatives can be used but is not recommended. If used to often then the body will become dependent upon the laxative to eliminate toxins. There are, however, herbs that can be used during the cleanse that rebuild, repair, and strengthen the peristaltic muscle in the bowels allowing it to eventually move on it's own. One of the formulas that I know for sure is Dr. Christopher's Lower Bowel formula. The only herb that I am aware of that is specifically used to help the muscle is Cascara Sagrada and it is in the formula.

Now,there are four elimination channels which the body uses to throw off toxins. They are: the bowels, the respiratory system, the urinary tract, and the skin. When one get clogged then the body has to try to eliminate the toxins another way. If the body cannot eliminate toxins properly then we end up with toxicity of the body. This can cause a bunch of problems, the biggest ones being acidity of the body and constipation.

When I say constipation, I am not just talking about the bowels. Most herbalists believe that ninety percent of all disease is cause by constipation. Constipation is any blockage that prevents the organs of the body to function as they should. For example, when you have a sinus headache it is constipation or blockage in the sinuses. When the blockage is removed and eliminated from the body then the headache is gone. One of the biggest things that causes constipation or toxicity is diet.

Now cleansing is best to do at least once a month. Cleansing is not a one time thing is a continual process because of all the layers of toxins that have been dumped in various places in the body. Each time we cleanse the cleansing goes another layer deep. However, if eating habits are not corrected then you may never get past the first layer. The cleansing also helps open the way to correct the muscles and organs that have become weak due to the build-up.

There are several different ways to cleanse. The only thing I can really say is to find one that works for you and use it. There are different programs* that instruct on how to do a deeper cleanse which would take several weeks or months depending on how quickly and severely the cleansing needs to happen. *Some of these include Dr. Christopher's 3-Day juice cleanse, Paul Braggs' water fast, arise and shine (month fast for people with cancer), and cleanse and purify yourself.

Nourishing after cleansing consists of eating correctly, drinking enough water, exercise, fresh air and sunshine, and deep breathing. Also, herbal supplements to help get the other nutrients the body requires. I will go into greater detail about these in the next issue.

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