Most of my experience has been with the feet so my explinations will aplly mostly to the feet, however, they can still be applied to the hands. Please have the person you are working with wash their hands (or feet) so they are clean to work with.
One starts a reflexology session with relaxation techniques to get the muscles to relax. This can be done through several means. For toes, you can do a light twisting from side to side and also the over under technique -moving your index finger between each toe, like a worm, over one toe and under the next. For the rest there are several techniques. The foot wobble- place both hands on the sides of the foot and move your hands in opposite directions as the hands move up and down the foot. There is the over/under technique where you put one hand on the top of the foot near the toes and the other on the heel, then gently rotate the foot clockwise and counter clockwise. Then there is the foot twist- place both hands on the inside side (side that touches other foot) placing on hand close to the ankle to hold it steady and the other to gently twist the foot as it moves towards the toes.
The last technique that everyone seemed to enjoy the best is called the 'Woo Woo'. With this technique you hold your hands an inch away from the foot on both sides, starting at the heel and pulling towards yourself. This is done a couple times, then shake off your hands on the right side. This is an energy technique and what it is doing is pulling off the negative enery so positive energy can enter. The negative energy collects on your hands as that it why you need to shake it off. The right side is important, because energy is absorbed on the left side and released on the right side. So to prevent yourself from absorbing the negative energy it is thrown away on the right side.
Once relaxation techniques are done you want to start with the toes. With one hand support the toes to they don't bend or get damaged while you work. With the other hand do little inching movements across each individual toe then across the entire bottom of the foot. It is easiest to work in lines as big as your thumb or whichever finger is easiest to use. The working hand (the one inching) and the non-working hand (supporting the toes) can switch at any time. As you work you will encounter tender or painful spots. Stop when you find one and gently work on it. When working on specific spotsone can either work in a circular movement or one can press the spot for seven seconds and release for three. Repeat this two or three times then restart the inching. If you are finished with the foot you can go back and cover the tender spots one more time. When the entire foot has been worked, repeat relaxation techniques. Work on one foot at a time. When the session is over, you will want to wash your hands. Even though they were clean, they will feel dirty afterwards, this is due to the negative energy that was released while you worked.
When working with someone, it helps to have a non-colored chart so you can mark where the tender places are instead of trying to remember where they all are. The chart can be used for more than one session, just be sure to use a different color for each session.
Before I forget, reflexology can be used to aid in emergency situations. For example, if someone is having a hard time breathing, the lung and diaphragm areas can be worked without having to do the relaxation techniques. The cautions that need to be taken when doing reflexology is when working with the very young (children and infants), the elderly and women who are pregnant. With these people with inching needs to be soft to a light touch. If there has been an injury to the hand or foot, or there is a corn or an elevated blood vessel do not work these areas. They are sensitive and by massaging them it can cause irritation or damage.
Hello everyone! A new month is already upon us. Wow, does time fly. I would like to share a little bit about Cayenne pepper this month. Now, there are two kinds of Cayenne. There is the culinary Cayenne and the medicinal Cayenne. The culinary cayenne is excellent for spicing up food. However, I don't know if it works very well for medical purposes.
Medicinal cayenne has three different strengths. They are 40 HU, 90 HU, and 180 HU. "HU" stands for Heat Unit. It is used internationally for more clarity. Cayenne is a stimulant that is used to stop bleeding, improve circulation and prevent shock. It can be used internally and externally. If taking it internally it is best to start withe the 40 HU and work up to the 180 HU.
Internally it can be taken as a teaspoon in an 8 oz glass of water or as capsules. If taken in capsules and after seven minutes a burning sensation comes, drink another galss of water to calm that down. This is an excellent way to improve the circulation and keep blood pressure levels where they should be. For shock, the quickest way to do this is have the cayenne tincture that was mentioned as part of the herbal first aid kit. Two dropperfuls under the tounge works well. That anount also helps slow internal bleeding.
Externally a powder is best. For a cut or other open wound that is bleeding cover the area with cayenne pepper. It will not burn at first, but once a burning feeling occurs than rinse of the powder and pat dry. The bleeding should have stopped and then the body can finish making a scab.
Good Wednesday morning! It is amazing to me how fast this last month has gone, but more so, how fast this year has gone. This month I want to talk about Comfrey (Symphytum officinale). Comfrey is also known as the bone knit plant.
Comfrey is a cell proliferent, meaning it helps the cells divide rapidly. The good thing, however, is that even though the growth is rapid the body doesn't reject it like cancer cells. Some of the experiences I have had with Comfrey include the following:
My niece, Luz del Cielo, took a tumble down the stairs and scraped up her nose. We covered it with Dr. Christopher's Complete bone and tissue formula (main ingredient is comfrey). In order to get her to let us put it on, I have to cover my nose and call it indian paint. After that she let us apply it when needed. After three days there was hardly anything there.
The other one is from this last weekend. While working on the addition, my mom put a nail through her thumb. That night, we packed it in the same ointment overnight. She has continued to use it as the week has progressed. The wound it pulling in the ointment almost like dry land soaks up much needed water. It is looking much better, and I have a feeling it will continue to do so.
A word of caution. If wildcrafting, be sure you know it is the comfrey plant. Many unsuspecting people have mistaken the foxglove plant for comfrey. One difference is the way the flowers look. The inside of the flowers have spots on the inside on the bottom petal. Though, if unsure, the best way is to still talk to a botanist or someone who knows the plants in the area.
*Sorry everyone, I should have given better details about foxglove. The flowers with the markings on the bottom petal are the Foxglove flowers. The flowers appear the second year of growth. As far as I know that doesn't apply to Comfrey. It is the first year of growth of Foxglove that has been mistaken for Comfrey.
Happy Labor Day everyone. This month I would like to talk about herbal first aid kits. Lately I have been hearing more and more about natural disasters. Since we don't know when another one will occur, I thought I little more preparation would be helpful. At the end of the newsletter, I have included a list of what is in mine. By no means is this set in stone, so you can add or take away as you deem necessary.
The herbal first aid kit is by no means to replace a regular first aid Kit, it should be a wonderful addition. The herbal first aid kits will come in handy at work, at home, and in the car. The products in the kit are designed to help with many possible problems, like infections, breathing problems, shock, building the immune system, pain relief and relaxation.
Many of the formulas are Dr. Christopher products. However, if these are not available then the herbs that will be needed to replace them are Myrrh, Comfrey, Valerian, Eyebright, Cayenne and wintergreen essential oil (mix olive oil), Plantain, Chaparral, Mullien, and Lobelia.
Myrrh is used as an antiseptic. Comfrey, in combination with the cayenne and wintergreen work wonderfully for bruises, cuts and even breaks. Valerian is a sleep aid. Eyebright (in liquid form) is good for washing out the eyes. Plantain and mullien are excellent to pull infection and toxins out of the body. Chapparrel help clean the blood and also fights infection. Lobelia is excellent as an emetic, really good in cases of possible poisoning.
Herbal First Aid Kit:
X-ceptic - Alcohol Extract 1 oz. |
Complete Tissue & Bone - Ointment 4 oz. Complete Tissue & Bone - 100 capsules |
Valerian Nerve Formula - Alcohol Extract 2 oz. |
Cramp bark - wildcrafted - cut/sifted 4 oz. |
Slippery Elm Bark - 100 capsules |
Herbal Eye Bright - Alcohol Extract 1 oz. |
Eye Cup |
Red Raspberry leaves - organic cut/sifted 1 lb. |
Echinacea - Glycerine Extract 2 oz. |
Cayenne Pepper - 90 BHU 4 oz. |
Tincture of Cayenne - Alcohol Extract 2 oz. |
Cayenne Deep Heating Balm - 2 oz. |
Plantain Ointment (Stings & Bites) 2 oz. |
Black Ointment 2 oz. |
Sen-Sei Ointment 2 oz. |
Ginger Root - 100 capsules Wormwood - organic cut/sifted 3 oz. |
Herbs to the Rescue - by Kurt King |
School is almost about to start for many. As the stress increases so does the chance of getting a cold. But since I have talked about colds in a previous newsletter, I would actually like to talk about the power of Forgiveness and Love.
While attending the Master Herbalist Seminar this last June, I kept thinking about how wonderful it was to be away from those people that, I thought, created discord in my life. The really amazing thing was during the lecture on Cancer the professor mentioned that Dr. Christopher developed cancer due to not forgiving someone. But once he stated that he had forgiven that person, the cancer left.
As I drove home later that day, I began to forgive and actually feel love for the people I felt had wronged me. I couldn't believe the peace that filled my life and the major changes that have occurred since. The Spirit of the Lord is a wonderful thing, had it not been for the spiritual preparation that had happened all week long, I might have discredited the information.
One reason that I find this important for others to know is that, no matter what disease comes, if the person will fill themselves with love for self and others as well as forgiveness for past mistakes they not only open themselves up for quicker healing, but also inspiration, peace, happiness, etc. As the process continues, these things can and very likely will increase in your life. I know it has in mine.
Sorry it is late this month, it has been a crazy start. This month I would like to talk about burns. These burns can be sunburns from being outside too long to burns from other things. As most already know there are 3 different degrees of a burn. First degree burns make the skin red. Second degree burns cause the skin to blister. Third degree burns cause blackening of the skin.
Despite the degree, all of these can be treated at home. The first thing to do is to get it cool to stop the burning. This could be as simple as holding the burned area in a tub of cold water or running cold water over it. I know this is discouraged for third degree burns, but it is worth doing, instead of going though extra agony. What is this agony? In the burn treatment centers, they take a hard brush and scrub the skin to debris it. No pain medication is given, and if the burn is bad enough and the pain too much to deal with, they put the victim in a coma. So, if I can save myself all that extra pain I will.
After the burn is cooled down, then there are a few things that can be applied. The first is Aloe Vera gel. This is very soothing to the skin as well as healing. This would be good to use on first degree burns. The second one, that is also good for first degree burns, is a few drops of Lavender oil diffused in a bottle of water. This is to be sprayed on the burned area for a soothing effect. Be sure to find the best quality possible, because if the quality is not good, it can irritate the burn more than help. The third one, which can be used for all the degrees, is Dr. Christopher's burn paste. It is simple to make: Fresh Comfrey leaves, Wheat Germ oil, and Raw Honey. This is to be applied thick enough that the top can be smoothed out, do not try to spread the paste as it can peel the skin off for some of the more severe burns.
The only concern that I know of about the burn paste is the fact that there is oil in it. However, if the burn has been cooled before the oil is applied it is not a problem, the only problem would be if the oil was applied before the burn was cooled down.
As the burn heals it will probably be covered with a thick white piece of skin. Leave it alone. This is new cell growth to replace that which has been damaged. If the paste is used until it is completely healed there should be little to no scaring.
As the days get warmer, more and more outdoor projects are being worked on. Whether it is fixing, building, hiking, camping, or planting something. Along with these projects come the possibility for getting cut by something, bitten by a snake,touching stinging nettle, or getting stung by bees. Yet, there is an herb that will help relieve the pain and possibility of infection for these kinds of wounds. The plant is called plantain.
Some may recognize this plant as a pesky weed that invades their lawn. much like a dandelion. However, having some that handy is wonderful. If one were to cut their hand on a blade, but desired to keep working. They could bruise a bunch of the leaves, place it on the cut and wrap it securely. This will help prevent infection from spreading, as well as pull any harmful substances that may have entered the cut. If someone has an infection already that is preventing the wound to close, this plant can still draw out that infection and prevent further spreading.
For snake bites, stinging nettle and bee stings the process is the same. However, sometimes the plant itself is not readily available. In this case it is beneficial to have plantain ointment on hand. This allows for quick and easy application to the area that has been affected. For snake bites, the application of plantain will help pull any poison that has been injected in the body. If the stinger from the bee has been left in the skin, it will also be drawn out. In the case of a hike where stinging nettle is found, if the plantain ointment was forgotten, not to worry. Within eyesight of the stinging nettle should be some plantain. This should also work well with mosquito bites and other skin irritations.
Recently I had someone ask me what things would be good to get rid of headaches without using pain killers. Headaches come from many different things. If one is cleansing and a headache occurs than that is because that is where the cleansing needs to take place. If it gets unbearable slow the cleansing. Eventually the headache will subside on its own.
Also, remember to look at diet. If there is too much sugar or caffeine than this can be the cause of the headache. If one is eliminating these things and the headaches occur, it is a symptom of withdrawal. For most it is better to take in less and less until they can stop. This way the cleansing doesn't happen too fast and create other problems.
As for stress headaches, take a break and take a good look at the stress. If it is something in your control, set it aside or eliminate it. If the stress is not within your control, see it as such and don't let it bother you so much.
If it is a migraine, one of the herbs that is most beneficial is Feverfew. Other herbs that are beneficial for the brain include: Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, and Skullcap. These herbs are used to aid the neurons to be able to fire properly as well as provide nutrients that may be missing.
This month, I would like to talk a little bit about positive/negative thinking and other stresses that have a big impact on our lives. Jordan Rubin, in his book called The Maker's Diet, says: "You are what you think." In this book he has several sections on stress management, the effects of fear, dysfunction, and negative thoughts and words.
Beginning with stress management. Stress comes from four areas. Forces that we have no control over, forces we do have control over, inward attitudes, beliefs and thought patterns, and physical conditions. He suggests that if we are feel like were on the run or can't seem to catch a break, to turn off the phone for a while, sit while you eat, and try to get enough sleep.
Fear and dysfunction also cause major problems. These two can trigger heart attacks or other vascular problems, and cause or make worse other diseases. A study was done by Doctors McMillen and Stern and compiled in a book called None of These Diseases. A partial list of diseases includes: digestive system disorders, circulatory system disorders, genito-urinary systems disorders, nervous systems disorders, glandular disorders, allergies and immune system problems, inflammation of joints and muscles, infections, and cancer. So, the choice now becomes, will this stress work for me or against me?
Last, negative thoughts and negative words. Jordan Rubin begins with a story about a Holocaust survivor. He watched the Nazis kill his family, but he decided then and there that since hate had destroyed what meant so much to him that he would spend the rest of his life "loving every person [he] came in contact with." So how can we have this kind of attitude? We need to find the positive despite the negative around us. An example of this might be, "Even though I may have a headache in five minutes, right now I feel good, therefore I will work on this assignment."
As the positive thoughts start to come, they soon will be easier and easier to fill in. Healing comes faster when positive thinking accompanies it. In an article in Parade Magazine, they discovered that those who believed they would get better recovered 30-70% from their diseases just by thinking positive. If that is not amazing, I don't know what is.
Importance of Cleansing:
When treating any disease, we need to work on the cause and not the symptoms. Symptoms are the body's way of telling us that something is wrong. If we take medications to stop the symptoms then we are only delaying the repair or prevention of whatever it is that is wrong. By working on the cause, however, then the symptoms will leave and the possibility of reoccurance is reduced.
The way we work on the cause is through cleansing and nourishing. Cleansing to eliminate the toxins we have built up over a series of years; nourishing to give the body the necessary building blocks to fix and heal itself. It is important that nourishing, almost always*, comes after cleansing. The reason for this is, if you cleanse to fast (to long) and do not allow the body to recover and you can kill yourself. *There are a few cases where you want to cleanse as fast and aggressively as possible.
When I say constipation, I am not just talking about the bowels. Most herbalists believe that ninety percent of all disease is cause by constipation. Constipation is any blockage that prevents the organs of the body to function as they should. For example, when you have a sinus headache it is constipation or blockage in the sinuses. When the blockage is removed and eliminated from the body then the headache is gone. One of the biggest things that causes constipation or toxicity is diet.
Now cleansing is best to do at least once a month. Cleansing is not a one time thing is a continual process because of all the layers of toxins that have been dumped in various places in the body. Each time we cleanse the cleansing goes another layer deep. However, if eating habits are not corrected then you may never get past the first layer. The cleansing also helps open the way to correct the muscles and organs that have become weak due to the build-up.
There are several different ways to cleanse. The only thing I can really say is to find one that works for you and use it. There are different programs* that instruct on how to do a deeper cleanse which would take several weeks or months depending on how quickly and severely the cleansing needs to happen. *Some of these include Dr. Christopher's 3-Day juice cleanse, Paul Braggs' water fast, arise and shine (month fast for people with cancer), and cleanse and purify yourself.
Nourishing after cleansing consists of eating correctly, drinking enough water, exercise, fresh air and sunshine, and deep breathing. Also, herbal supplements to help get the other nutrients the body requires. I will go into greater detail about these in the next issue.