Monday, June 1, 2009

Herb Corner Issue 18

To all the Father's out there: Happy Father's Day! Here are the last four cell salts.

Calcium Sulphate (Calc Sulf) is used for infections, pus and general toxicity. It works to detoxify the body, improve digestion, as well as finish and clean up Chronic Infections. The main function of Calc Sulf is skin and tissue support. Six other uses for Calc Sulf include: Acne, Hang Nails, Burns, Itching Feet, Cradle Cap, and Sore Throat.

Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos) helps the nerves and the grey matter of the brain. When nreves get depleted by stress it can cause sleeplessness or depression. Mainly it is the Central Nervous System that is affected by Kali Phos. Some of the emotional indicators that Kali Phos needs to be used are: Depression, Hysteria, Nervousness, Fear, and Anxiety. Six more uses for Kali Phos are: Asthma, Heart Palpitations, Bad Breath, Dry Mouth, Eplilepsy, and Whooping Cough.

Sodium Phosphate (Nat Phos) governs the acid balance in the body. The body should have the balance of 70% alkalinity and 30% acidity. Alkalinity equals health. Over-acid conditions allow diseases to come. The closer one is to the 70/30 balance the healthier they are. Some signs of an over-acid condition are: Sour Body Smell, Parasites, Sour Smelling Discharges, and Candida or Vaginal Infections. Six ailments that Nat Phos can be used for include: Ance, Hives, Itching, Ph Imbalances, Yellow Creamy Discharges, and Vomiting of Sour Fluids,

Sodium Sulphate (Nat Sulf) is responsible for liver health and head injuries where one has become depressed and irritable. It is also responsible for helping the body rid itself of excess water. Six other uses are: Alcoholism, Coughing, Loose/Huge stools, Bloating, Swelling, or if one is Suicidal.

Wish you all a wonderful beginning to summer!