Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Herb Corner Issue 30

Hi all.

This month I wanted to share a little bit of the information I found regarding Ibuprofen. I know it seems a little off since this is specified for natural healing, however, I believe the information to be important. As Ibuprofen is a pain killer, we must also remember that pain is the body's signal that something is wrong. Included are some examples, this newsletter would be several novel lengths long if all causes of pain were to be addressed.

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It is both a prescription and nonprescription drug that is used to inhibit the creation of the substance that signals the body of a problem. The signal informs the body to create pain, fever, or inflammation. Ibuprofen is mostly used to treat various kinds of arthritis and menstrual problems.

Side effects can vary from something as superficial as loss of appetite to something as extreme as death. The serious side effects include: unexplained weight gain, fever, blisters, rash, itching, swelling and difficulty breathing, hoarseness, tiredness, flu-like symptoms, jaundice or pale skin, increased heart rate, discolored urine, and back pain. More severe effects are: constipation or diarrhea, gas or bloating, dizziness, and ringing in the ears. However, the most devastating ones are heart attack, stroke, bleeding ulcers in the stomach or intestines.

There are several herbs that can be used instead. Menstrual cramps can be eased/erased with the use of the hormonal changease, female reproductive formula and wheat germ oil. The herbs in these formulas include: blessed thistle, false unicorn, squaw vine, licorice, ginseng, uva ursi, red raspberry, sarsaparilla, black cohosh, cayenne, ginger, cramp bark, and goldenseal. These herbs combined with the wheat germ oil cleanse and rebuild the reproductive system. They also aid in regulating the flow and cycles. Most of these herbs aid in strengthening and toning the muscles as they eliminate or shed all the excess mucous that has built up. The mucous is what causes the cramps because the body is trying to rid itself of it so it can clean properly. The only caution I have is not to take the female reproductive formula while you are pregnant as the goldenseal can damage the fetus.

For arthritis, I would change the water from tap to steam distilled or reverse osmosis. This will aid the body in eliminating inorganic minerals that like to collect in joints and other places. The complete bone and tissue formula and herbal calcium will also help. Complete bone and tissue provides nurtrients that the body needs to rebuild the joints and bones and stops the inflammatory response as well as the pain. The nutrients satisfy the signal that something in wrong so the response stops. The herbal calium has horsetail grass and oat straw in it. These herbs contain an organic source of calcium and silica which are needed to maintain healthy bones and joints. With these formulas it may even be possible to reverse the effects of arthritis.

Best of Health,

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