Monday, November 2, 2009

Herb Corner Issue 23

Hi everyone,

Lots has been going on this last month and I realized that the new month was already upon us. As the rains have begun to fall more often here in Washington, they are spreading the word about being prepared. We have been told as Latter-Day Saints to have food storage (as much as is permissable where you live). I don't have a list of those things, but they should be things that will store well and that you know how to prepare if the need arises. In addition to that, I remembered receiving an email from another Master Herbalist about a year supply of herbs so diseases can be combated as well. I thought I would pass it along:

Herbs for Year Supply

Yvonne L. Salcido, M.H.

There is a definite peace that comes from having a ready supply of herbs on hand for a sudden illness or emergency.

Recently I had a family member in another state call because she was very sick. She wanted to know what she could do. She had nothing on-hand in her house. If the phones lines were down, even cell phones will not work in a major disaster. What if she could not call to get advice?

Most important is herbal education - this invaluable skill will bless many in circumstances that we cannot predict. For the best herbal education we recommend The School of Natural Healing - (

Look around us - the world is having so many challenges from weather, earthquake, wars, etc. Becoming self reliant is becoming critical! Here is a list of herbs that I think every home should have on hand (you can customize it to your needs). The following list is per person, per year. For example, if you have 4 people in your family you would want 4 pounds of cut lobelia.

powdered 1 lb.

cut 1 lb.

whole cloves in vinegar or bulbs hung
Garlic oil 2 oz.
Super Garlic Immune* ANTI-PLAGUE

Complete Tissue & Bone* & Comfrey
powdered 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.

cut 1 lb.

Brigham Tea
cut 1 lb.

cut 1 lb.

cut 1 lb.


powdered 1 lb.

Infection Formula*
powdered 1 lb.

Plantain (Stings & Bites)*
powdered 1 lb.
ointment 4 oz.

Red raspberry
cut 1 lb.

powdered 1 lb.


Nerve Formula*

Ear & Nerve Formula*

cut 1 lb.

Cleansing Herbs
Lower Bowel Formula*, Liver/Gall Bladder Formula*, Kidney Formula* & Blood Stream Formula*


Nutritional Herbs
Vitalerbs*, Jurassic Green*, Kid-e Formulas*, Herbal Calcium extract*

Slippery Elm
powdered 1 lb.

Licorice Root
powdered 1 lb.

Black Walnut
cut 1 lb.

Pau d' Arco
cut 1 lb.

powdered 1 lb.

Herbal Eyebright*
extract & eye cup

powdered 1 lb. or capsules


Black Ointment*

In addition, be sure to have any herbs on-hand for family members dealing with specific challenges.

Additional items: Raw honey and wheat germ oil

*Indicates a formula by Dr. Christopher. You can find these formulas at an herb shop. Find herb shops we recommend at

To learn how to use these herbs in an emergency we encourage you to pick up the book "Herbs to the Rescue" by Kurt King, M.H. Even better, as part of the Family Herbalist course you study this book in depth. To learn more about Level 100 - Family Herbalist go to To purchase the book Herbs to the Rescue visit this link:

Printable Version:

I know a lot of Dr. Christopher's Formulas are used in here, but it is an easy way to keep the supply condensed. If you are looking for alternatives to these formulas I will try and pass that information along later this month. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to let me know.

May we be blessed as we move forward with faith. Until next email. :D

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