Monday, November 30, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 24
Here is the herbal year supply list with the changed information. I haven't had the time to look up other companies that have other formulas that can be used instead of Dr. Christopher's so I have included the formula (ratio is usually one to one). At the end of the revised list is an email that Yvonne also put together about a basic food storage. Unfortunately, I don't have a version for those that are gluten intolerant. If any one knows of one I would be happy to know.
Herbs for a year supply.
Yvonne L. Salcido, M.H.
Here is a list of herbs that I think every home should have on hand (you can customize it to your needs). The following list is per person, per year. For example, if you have 4 people in your family you would want 4 pounds of cut lobelia.
powdered 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.
whole cloves in vinegar or bulbs hung
Garlic oil 2 oz.
Super Garlic Immune* ANTI-PLAGUE
Complete Tissue & Bone* & Comfrey
(White Oak Bark, Lungwort, Slippery Elm bark, Marshmallow root, Mullein leaf, Wormwood, Lobelia, Scullcap, Plantain, Gravel Root and Aloe Vera Gel)
powdered 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.
Brigham Tea
cut 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.
powdered 1 lb.
Infection Formula*
(Plantain Leaves, Black Walnut, Golden Seal Root, Bugleweed Herb, Marshmallow Root and Lobelia Herb)
powdered 1 lb.
powdered 1 lb.
ointment 4 oz.
Red raspberry
cut 1 lb.
powdered 1 lb.
(White Oak Bark, Golden Seal Root, Myrrh Gum, Comfrey Root, Garlic Bulb and Cayenne Pepper)
Nerve Formula*
(skullcap, wood betony, sweet flag)
Ear & Nerve Formula*
(Black Cohosh Root, Blue Cohosh Root, Blue Vervain Herb, Scullcap Herb and Lobelia Herb)
cut 1 lb.
Cleansing Herbs
Lower Bowel Formula*, Liver/Gall Bladder Formula*, Kidney Formula* & Blood Stream Formula*
(Lower Bowel Formula- Cascara Sagrada Bark, Barberry bark, Cayenne Pepper, Ginger Root, Lobelia Herb, Red Raspberry leaves, Turkey Rhubarb Root, Fennel Seeds and Goldenseal Root)
(Liver/Gall bladder Formula-Bayberry Bark, Wild Yam Root, Cramp Bark, Fennel Seed, Ginger Root, Catnip Herb and Peppermint Leaf)
(Kidney Formula- Juniper berries, Parsley, Uva Ursi, Marshmallow root, Lobelia, Ginger and Golden Seal root)
(Blood Stream Formula- Red Clover Blossoms, Chaparral, Licorice root, Poke root, Peach bark, Oregon Grape root, Stillingia, Cascara sagrada, Sarsaparilla, Prickly ash bark, Burdock root and Buckthorn bark)
(Skullcap herb, Lobelia herb, Cayenne, Valerian Root, Skunk Cabbage, Myrrh Gum and Black Cohosh)
Nutritional Herbs
Vitalerbs*, Jurassic Green*, Kid-e Formulas*, Herbal Calcium extract*
(Vitalerbs-Jurassic Green Powder (Certified Organic flash-dried juice powder from Alfalfa, Barley & Kamut), Dandelion, Kelp, Purple Dulse, Spirulina, Irish Moss, Rose Hips, Beet Root, Nutritional Yeast, Cayenne Pepper, Blue Violet, Oatstraw, Carrot & Ginger Root)
(Jurassic Green- Alfalfa Grass, Barley Grass and Kamut Grass)
(Kid-e Formulas- See
(Herbal Calcium- Horsetail Grass, Nettle Leaves, Oatstraw Herb, Lobelia and Comfrey)
Slippery Elm
powdered 1 lb.
Licorice Root
powdered 1 lb.
Black Walnut
cut 1 lb.
Pau d' Arco
cut 1 lb.
powdered 1 lb.
Herbal Eyebright*
(Bayberry Bark, Eyebright Herb, Golden Seal Root, Red Raspberry Leaves & Cayenne Pepper)
extract & eye cup
(Skullcap, Valerian, Oregon Grape root, Barley grass, Alfalfa, Kamut, St. John’s wort, Mullein leaf, Lobelia, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo biloba, Sarsaparilla and Dandelion)
powdered 1 lb. or capsules
Black Ointment*
(Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Chaparral Leaf, Comfrey Root, Red Clover blossom, Mullein Leaf, Plantain Leaf, Chickweed Herb, Lobelia Herb, Golden Seal Root, Marshmallow Root, Poke Root, Pine Tar and Beeswax)
In addition, be sure to have any herbs on-hand for family members dealing with specific challenges.
Additional items: Raw honey and wheat germ oil
Food Storage!
Today there is a myriad of ideas on food storage and many are lacking in sufficient nutrition. Who wants to just survive and be sick? The best plan for storage includes a high density of vitamins, mineral, proteins, and essential fats in the foods you store for optimum health. The following is a list of things I store.
Basic Storage for one person for one year:
300 lbs. Organic wheat (kamut, spelt)
155 lbs. A combination of organic grains (brown rice, buckwheat, oat groats, millet, quinoa, barley, corn, triticale, spelt, kamut etc.)
50 lbs. Raw nuts (25 lbs almonds, 5 lbs of additional favorites such as walnuts, cashews, pecans, pine nuts, etc.) Can use almonds to make nut milk.
20 lbs. Raw seeds (flax seeds, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, chia, etc.)
75 lbs. Organic beans (pinto, black, red, white, garbanzo, lentils, mung beans, peas, soybeans, etc.)
60 lbs. Raw honey (also store some black strap molasses and agave - I use agave for special treats)
20 lbs. Oils (Olive oil, coconut and wheat germ oil)
10 lbs. Salt (vegetable, potassium based or sea salt)
60 lbs. Sprout mix (2 parts wheat, 1 part of the following: triticale, lentils, adzuki beans, mung beans, peas, then add 2 c. of fenugreek to the 60 lb. bucket)
5 lbs. Seed Sprout mix (alfalfa, radish and red clover)
Garden seeds (A good variety!)
Spices (You will want some different flavors)
Expanded Storage:
Fruit and vegetables (dried from your garden)
Squash, potatoes, onions, apples can easily be stored through the winter in a basement. The great advantage is these will be fresh yummy all winter long and through part of spring.
I also have some frozen fruit and vegetables in my freezer. I also have bottled fruit and vegetables without any sugar, but since I have gone to a more raw food diet, I now dry foods at 105 degrees to maintain the live enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.
You can purchase good quality freeze dried foods to expand your storage even more. Make sure to check the ingredients for just whole foods without any additives. Purchase your basic storage FIRST!! Don't worry about getting a certain amount for each person on the fruit and vegetables - just get started after getting your basic storage and soon you will have a nice supply. Fall is a great time of year to find many good deals, so have fun.
Best of luck and I will write again come the new year.
p.s. For those that have been following the blog. If you would like these emailed to you each month, please email your name to and I will add you to the list.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 23
Lots has been going on this last month and I realized that the new month was already upon us. As the rains have begun to fall more often here in Washington, they are spreading the word about being prepared. We have been told as Latter-Day Saints to have food storage (as much as is permissable where you live). I don't have a list of those things, but they should be things that will store well and that you know how to prepare if the need arises. In addition to that, I remembered receiving an email from another Master Herbalist about a year supply of herbs so diseases can be combated as well. I thought I would pass it along:
Herbs for Year Supply
Yvonne L. Salcido, M.H.
There is a definite peace that comes from having a ready supply of herbs on hand for a sudden illness or emergency.
Recently I had a family member in another state call because she was very sick. She wanted to know what she could do. She had nothing on-hand in her house. If the phones lines were down, even cell phones will not work in a major disaster. What if she could not call to get advice?
Most important is herbal education - this invaluable skill will bless many in circumstances that we cannot predict. For the best herbal education we recommend The School of Natural Healing - (
Look around us - the world is having so many challenges from weather, earthquake, wars, etc. Becoming self reliant is becoming critical! Here is a list of herbs that I think every home should have on hand (you can customize it to your needs). The following list is per person, per year. For example, if you have 4 people in your family you would want 4 pounds of cut lobelia.
powdered 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.
whole cloves in vinegar or bulbs hung
Garlic oil 2 oz.
Super Garlic Immune* ANTI-PLAGUE
Complete Tissue & Bone* & Comfrey
powdered 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.
Brigham Tea
cut 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.
cut 1 lb.
powdered 1 lb.
Infection Formula*
powdered 1 lb.
Plantain (Stings & Bites)*
powdered 1 lb.
ointment 4 oz.
Red raspberry
cut 1 lb.
powdered 1 lb.
Nerve Formula*
Ear & Nerve Formula*
cut 1 lb.
Cleansing Herbs
Lower Bowel Formula*, Liver/Gall Bladder Formula*, Kidney Formula* & Blood Stream Formula*
Nutritional Herbs
Vitalerbs*, Jurassic Green*, Kid-e Formulas*, Herbal Calcium extract*
Slippery Elm
powdered 1 lb.
Licorice Root
powdered 1 lb.
Black Walnut
cut 1 lb.
Pau d' Arco
cut 1 lb.
powdered 1 lb.
Herbal Eyebright*
extract & eye cup
powdered 1 lb. or capsules
Black Ointment*
In addition, be sure to have any herbs on-hand for family members dealing with specific challenges.
Additional items: Raw honey and wheat germ oil
*Indicates a formula by Dr. Christopher. You can find these formulas at an herb shop. Find herb shops we recommend at
To learn how to use these herbs in an emergency we encourage you to pick up the book "Herbs to the Rescue" by Kurt King, M.H. Even better, as part of the Family Herbalist course you study this book in depth. To learn more about Level 100 - Family Herbalist go to To purchase the book Herbs to the Rescue visit this link:
Printable Version:
I know a lot of Dr. Christopher's Formulas are used in here, but it is an easy way to keep the supply condensed. If you are looking for alternatives to these formulas I will try and pass that information along later this month. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to let me know.
May we be blessed as we move forward with faith. Until next email. :D
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 22
So, I wanted to share with you a 22 minute video about Swine Flu:
Remember for preventative measures use Garlic. If you get it, up the dose of Garlic.
Then I wanted to share the simpliest of God's wisdom in regards to foods.
It's been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, made animals and fish... All before making a human. He made and provided what we'd need before we were born. These are best & more powerful when eaten raw. We're such slow learners...
God left us a great clue as to what foods help what part of our body!
God's Pharmacy! Amazing!
A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye... And YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.
A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food.
Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.
A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.
Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.
Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.
Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).
Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility.
Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.
Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries
Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.
Onions look like the body's cells. Today's research shows onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic, also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.
Have a Happy Halloween and May the Lord continue to bless you with Health.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 21
Life is amazingly busy and there is so much to remember. So, this month I could like to share a few of the herbs that help improve brain function (a.k.a. The Brain Herbs). The four that I want to talk about are the herbs that I used in my formula assignment for the School of Natual Healing. They are: Ginseng, Skullcap, Ginkgo Biloba, and Chamomile. Now while Chamomile is not specifically a brain herb, there is a reason for it and I will discuss that when I talk about it.
Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is an adaptogen which means that it helps the body regulate or bring back to balance the health of the body. It is good as an energy booster as well. The chinese use it to balance "qi" and effect the "yang" so balance would return. Because of the type of herb that it is, it can be a great advocate in helping balance the health of any part of the body. For the sake of the formula, I combined it with the nervine herb Skullcap. This was to help guide the ginseng to where it was needed.
Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) is one of the best nervines. It helps to, either, calm or stimulate the nerves as is needed. It works on the Sympathetic nervous system (the spine and the nerves that control the involuntary muscle movements) as well as the blood vessels and brain. It is calming and has a similar effect to Quinine, except there are no harmful side effects or after effects. It is helpful in calming down nervous twitches, spasms, restlessness, as well as claming emotional tentions and the physical problems that can result from them. Skullcap is also nutrient rich, so the nerves are supplied with the materials they need for better functioning (tones). Dr Shook said about Skullcap: "Skullcap is a slow working, but sure remedy for practically all nervous afflictions, but it must be taken regularly for a long period of time to be of permanent benefit."
Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo biloba) is used as a memory enhancer. It has flavanoids as well as other natual chemicals that help fight Alzhiemer's disease as well as Dementia and Vertigo. This herb also helps with blood flow so it can move needed chemicals over the blood/brain barrier. (Much safer than anti-depressants that can do the same thing). However, if one is taking anti-depressants it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before using it. Ginkgo also has flavanoids which helps in the nutrition area as well.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is also a nervine, but it has a calming effect. So, if the nerves are over stimulated, then they are brought back to a normal active state. This also helps to balance out the use of the chemicals that the body needs. In addition to it's help with nerves, it can help calm other disorders, such as: Cramps, Ulcers, lung diseases, fevers, pain and swelling, bruises, sprains, etc.
The formula I used was 1 part of each in powdered form (1 part = 1oz of weight) when combined it is very helpful is clearing up mental clouds and forgetfulness. It has to be taken for a few weeks before a change is noticed.
Good luck with all you endevor to do this month. Happy Labor Day!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 20
These and many other thoughts have run through my head as I have prepared to continue my education in another state. The stress has been great at times, the anxiety painful, and the bumps plentiful. Yet there have been many helpful and simple things that have helped relieve much of that stress. They are:
1) Deep breathing for 5 minutes. - If you don't have five minutes, then just take a few breaths that expand your stomach and fill your lungs so your chest rises. Then release it with an audible sigh.
2) Gratitude prayers - when working through all that needs to happen with preparation, you find that as you give thanks for the blessings you have seen, you will soon see that there is even more to be thankful for, for He will always be there to help you and guide you.
3)Increased Nutrition and water intake - Green drinks, wheat grass shots, and more fruits and vegetables are very beneficial. They provide nutrients to combat the damage that stress can cause in the body. Also, drinking enough water helps to flush out toxins that add to the feelings of stress.
4) "Grounding" - This is simply shuffling your bare feet in the grass for 5-20 minutes (whatever you have time for). This causes the static electricity in the body (that has been used up) to leave and give space for positive energy to enter through the crown of the head. (After doing this for a while, you should feel really good, relaxed, and clear headed) I love it!
5) Hugs - Four hugs a day can keep the blues away.
6) Laughing - This produces endorphins that elevate mood and moves the lymph in the body to keep the immune system working correctly.
The following quote is from a book and I thought it fit. Hope you enjoy:
“And really, why shouldn’t we be afraid? In case you haven’t heard, life is terminal. Cigarettes will kill you. So, will your cell phone. Your microwave, the power lines, the squirming germs that raw meat leaves behind on your kitchen counter and the chemical cleansers you neutralize them with… all potentially lethal. Your car is a deadly weapon, alcohol a quite killer. Too much fat, too much sugar, too much exercise or not enough… Don’t lick the lead-based paint on your window sills, don’t lick the back of that postage stamp, and don’t lick any strangers, oh, that can take you down quickly, indeed! Don’t drink the water and don’t drink less than eight glasses a day. Hold your breath in traffic, off-gas your furniture, stock up on duck tape! Don’t talk to strangers, and if you’re female, don’t go home- you’re more likely to be a victim of domestic violence than of burglary, mugging, or any other type of physical assault combined. Your environment is toxic, your natural resources are dwindling, your days are numbered, but whatever you do, don’t panic! The stress, don’t you know, will kill ya.”
-The Scarecrow “Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu, pg. 62-63”
Good night to all. Good luck in all of your endevours. Until next month,
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 19
Slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) is a medium-sized tree native to North America. It can reach well over 50 feet in height and is topped by spreading branches that form an open crown. The red-brown or orange branches grow downward, and the stalkless flowers are arranged in dense clusters. The plant's leaves are long and green, darkening in color during the fall. The bark has deep fissures, a gummy texture, and a slight but distinct odor.
The bark from this tree is what is used. It is mostly found in powdered form. But it can also be found in capsules. Slippery elm contains mucilage which turns into a slick gel-like substnace when it gets wet. This allows it to coat the walls of the mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines. It also has a soothing effect. It can be used externally as a poultice to help with wounds, boils, burns, and skin inflammations.
Taken internally is can help with ulcers, coughs, sore throats, other stomach problems, and bowel problems (such as chron's disease, diahrrea, and IBS). Ways that it can be taken is in the capsules, as a tea, or it can be made into a greul. This gruel is made by slowly adding water to slipprey elm bark powder. If a lot of water is added it just pools and doesn't mix very well. It can be given to babies as a food when they are weaning or given to the eldery.
A modern miracle with Slippery elm began on October 30, 1838. This is the day of the Haun's Mill Massacre. Little Alma Smith had his hip blown off from the musket fire. His mother was prompted to use the bark from the slippery elm tree as a poultice for the wound. After cleaning it with lye soap, she made the slippery elm bark poultice and put it in the wound. For a period of five weeks this seven year old boy lay on his face until a flexible gristle had formed that became the beginnings of his new hip.
Wishing you all a Happy Fourth of July and a Good Pioneer's Day
Monday, June 1, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 18
To all the Father's out there: Happy Father's Day! Here are the last four cell salts.
Calcium Sulphate (Calc Sulf) is used for infections, pus and general toxicity. It works to detoxify the body, improve digestion, as well as finish and clean up Chronic Infections. The main function of Calc Sulf is skin and tissue support. Six other uses for Calc Sulf include: Acne, Hang Nails, Burns, Itching Feet, Cradle Cap, and Sore Throat.
Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos) helps the nerves and the grey matter of the brain. When nreves get depleted by stress it can cause sleeplessness or depression. Mainly it is the Central Nervous System that is affected by Kali Phos. Some of the emotional indicators that Kali Phos needs to be used are: Depression, Hysteria, Nervousness, Fear, and Anxiety. Six more uses for Kali Phos are: Asthma, Heart Palpitations, Bad Breath, Dry Mouth, Eplilepsy, and Whooping Cough.
Sodium Phosphate (Nat Phos) governs the acid balance in the body. The body should have the balance of 70% alkalinity and 30% acidity. Alkalinity equals health. Over-acid conditions allow diseases to come. The closer one is to the 70/30 balance the healthier they are. Some signs of an over-acid condition are: Sour Body Smell, Parasites, Sour Smelling Discharges, and Candida or Vaginal Infections. Six ailments that Nat Phos can be used for include: Ance, Hives, Itching, Ph Imbalances, Yellow Creamy Discharges, and Vomiting of Sour Fluids,
Sodium Sulphate (Nat Sulf) is responsible for liver health and head injuries where one has become depressed and irritable. It is also responsible for helping the body rid itself of excess water. Six other uses are: Alcoholism, Coughing, Loose/Huge stools, Bloating, Swelling, or if one is Suicidal.
Wish you all a wonderful beginning to summer!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 17
Here are the next four cell salts and a suggestion for prevention of the swine flu.
Calcium Phosphate (Calc Phos) helps with calcium metabolism. When the metabolism is disrupted it can cause osteoporosis or bone spurs. It can be an aid in teeth and digestive problems, but works mainly with bone tissue. Other uses for Calc Phos include: Eczema, Gout, Infections, Smoking, and Worms.
Potassium Sluphate (Kali Sulf) is specific for the third stage or inflammation. This is the stage where infection (pus) or boils appear. When there is a lack of this cell salt there are usually yellow discharges. It is recommended for high fevers, when the body is working to get the bacteria to multiply faster to eat the toxic substances that are making the body sick. (The are the garbage men, let them take out the trash. Don't stop them from doing there job.) However, the main funtion for Kali Sulf is the making and distributing of oil. Other things it can be used for are: Age spots, Arthritis, Deafness, Scarlet Fever, Vitiligo, and Wandering Pains.
Sodium Chloride (Nat Mur) commonly known as table salt. However, the homeopathic works to the benefit of the body instead of creating problems as regular table salt will. This is due to the diluting and shaking to make it a 6X potency. It is the most used cell salt for digestion, arthritis, and water distribution. It is the key to dry mucus membranes or excessivly watery discharges. Usually, the person who needs this cell salt is experiencing grief and/or self isolation. Some other uses include: Canker sores, Depression, Heart Palpitations, Loss of taste, Hang nails, and parasites.
Silicea (Silica) is nicknamed "The Surgeon." This is because of its ability to help the body rid itself of foreign objects. This cell salt is also responsible for connective tissue strength. It can aid in dissolving scar tissue. Someone who needs Silica is usually timid and the hands and feet are continuously cold. Other uses for Silica are: Boils, Sleepwalking, Cysts, Hip/joint disease, Smelly feet, and shyness.
When it comes to the swine flu, garlic is the herb to use. The dose is 16 cloves of fresh garlic a day if infected or 4 cloves a day as a preventative measure. This may sound simplistic, but it works.
If you want a readymade product, there is no better remedy than Dr. Christopher's Anti-Plague Formula (now called Super Immune Garlic Formula). If infected I would suggest consuming a 4 oz bottle per day until all symptoms have terminated. The dosage on the label would be enough to work as a preventative.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 16
Hey everyone! For the next few months I will be sharing a little bit about each of the twelve cell salts. They are prepared and taken the same way homeopathics are: diluted and succussed (shaken) 6X. Also, these are also non-toxic and can be taken with any medications you may be taking. And anyone, infants, pregnant women, etc. can take them will no problem also. Each newsletter will cover four cell salts. My books with all the information is currently buried, so this is comming from a set of notes that I took.
Calcium Flouride (Calc Fluor) is essintial for the connective tissues. It helps relax tightened muscles and firm up sagging muscles or tissue. Calc fluor can be used for: bone spurs, lower back weakness, cysts, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, cracking joints, etc. Note: For those that are using or looking into flouride treatments, Calc flour can strengthen the enamel on teeth better than the flouride treatment.
Iron Phosphate (Ferrum Phos) is important for the oxygenation of the blood. Ferrum phos is unique because it carries oxygen to all parts of the body and there is no need to worry about iron toxicity. It is helpful during the first symptoms of cold or flu, but is most helpful with blood conditions. These could be as simples as nosebleeds, to hemorrhoages, etc. Other things it can help with are: arthritis, bronchitis, eye inflammation, morning sickness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), etc.
Potassium Chloride (Kali Mur) is used in conditions where there is grey or think white mucus. This cell salt works with Fibrin (a protein that helps with the formation of a clot) to keep body fluids in correct thickness. It is very good for auto-immune diseases, bruising, facial redness, heart palpitations, kidney inflammation, nasal congestion, etc.
Magnesium Phosphate (Mag Phos) deals with muscular nerves and fibers. It feeds the heart and cardiovascular system. It is benefitial for spasmodic conditions. Some signs that it is needed: fast onset of cramping, symptoms relieved by heat and pressure. Other uses include: back chills, bloating, cramping, darting pains, etc.
Until next month, have a Happy Easter.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 15
The belief in Homeopathy is "like cures like." This is done through the use of diluted and succussed (shaken) tinctures of plant, animal, and mineral. How this works is through "symptom aggrivation." It stimulates the body to heal itself. So, for example, if someone was to get stung by a bee, then they could take Apis mellifica (honeybee) to get it to stop stinging. Bee stings or bug bites that have a stinging feel to them can be helped with Apis.
I know it sounds odd. When I first heard of it, I told myself I wouldn't even touch it. But then I thought, well I might as well learn more about it and have a more informed opinion. Some of the things I have learned have been amazing. They are designed so that the symptoms a Homeopathic creates in a healthy person are similar to those of a disease. They have be thouroughly tested in the past 200 years and the information has been recorded in a materia medica.
If you were to look at the label on a homeopathic usually there is a 6X on the label. This is the potency or how many times it has been diluted and succussed. So with 6X one drop of the Mother Tinture (base tincture with the actual plant, animal, mineral) is added to 999 drops of water. It is then tapped on the palm (succussed) 100 times. Then one drop of that is taken out, the bottle dumped out and rinsed with hot water (or a clean bottle if you prefer), then the drop is put into the bottle with 999 more drops of water. This process is repeated until it has been done a total of 6 times. So, by the end there is little if any of the original substance in the end product.
Homeopathics are non-toxic, will not interfere with medication, and can be given to pregnant women and small children (including infants) with no side effects. Also, with Homeopathics it is not about how much is taken, but how often it is taken. Most Homeopathics are in a lactose base, but the amount is small enough that people who are lactose intolerant can still take them with no problem. Another thing to remember with Homeopathics is the more symptoms match up with a specific Homeopathic that is the one that will do the most good. If it could be several, it is okay to combine them because they will all do some good.
This is not to say that all the homeopathics should be mixed. But, for example, someone is having troubles with diegestion than there are several different ones that can be used: Carbo Veg (activated charcoal), Arcenicum album (arsenic), Nux Vomica (poison nut), and Spongia tosta (Toasted sponge). Most of the time it only takes one Homeopathic to get the desired results. When it comes to taking Homeopathics usually only one is needed in a twenty ounce bottle that can be sipped through out the day. Another method is the dry method, which is just taking the homeopathic as it is and not adding it to water.
There are many home homeopathic kits out there, some contain 15, 35, or more homeopathics. There are currently over 3,000 homeopathics, but those contained in the kit are the ones most often used. You should be able to find these in any health store or even online. For emergency dosage you will want to find the ones that have 200C on the label.
The lactose pellets disolve instantly in the mouth and are sweet (which is why children will take them). A sub category to Homeopathics are the Cell salts. There are twelve of them, and I will talk about them in another newsletter.
May health continue to follow
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 14
Good Morning. This month I would like to talk a little bit about Hawthorn. The Hawthorn berry grows on a tree and is usually found in California and Utah. The blossoms are white and grow in clusters.
Hawthorn is used for heart conditions. Mainly for Angina, to lower blood pressure, bring oxygen to the heart and provide nutrients. It has also been used for feelings of anxiety in the heart area and weak heartbeats. In addition to being good for the heart, the Hawthorn berry has been used for diarrhea and indigestion.
If you are on heart medication, please consult your physician before use. Because it is used for the heart it may increase the effects of the heart medication.
Remember, diet and lifestyle habits also play a part in heart health. A few other herbs that can be helpful to the heart as well are pricklry ash, ginger, and cayenne.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Herb Corner Issue 13
Happy New Year everyone! A new year, a new start. As I have been thinking about new beginnings my mind was drawn back to cleansing. More specifically Dr. Christopher's three day juice cleanse and extended herbal cleanse.
The three day juice cleanse is a simple way to start and can be done each month. Set aside three days to do this, or if you can get it to work around your current schedule, wonderful. It is outlined as follows:
8am- 16oz. Prune juice
8:30- 8oz Distilled or Reverse Osmosis water
9am- 8 oz Apple Juice (this can be one kind of juice that you can stand to drink for three days straight)
9:30- 8oz Distilled water
10am- 8oz Apple Juice
This continues until a few hours before retiring. Around 12pm and 6pm take two tablespoons of olive oil. For some it is hard to take it strait, so you may want to mix it in one of the glasses of juice or water. In addition to this you will probably want the Lower Bowel formula. Starting this cleanse can lead to further constipation but as the cleanse progresses and with the help of the formula things will get moving on a regualr basis. The formula can be taken 2 caps 3 times a day or more as needed. (There should be no worry about overdose, some people have needed to take up to forty capsules a day)
The other cleanse is the extended herbal cleanse, which contains the formulas: Lower Bowel, Liver and Gallbladder, Kidney, Blood stream, and Vital herbs. This cleanse is done over a period of 6 months and outlined as such:
The first week of the month, take all formulas except Blood stream. This is to be 2 caps three times a day 6 days a week, resting on the seventh. The only exception is the Lower Bowel formula which can be increased as needed.
Week two, add the blood stream formula.
All formulas are to be continued for the rest of the six months, except on the seventh day of each week and the seventh week during the six months. When the six months are complete rest from cleansing all of the seventh month.
The reasons for the break on the seventh is to give the body time to further eliminate all the toxins that are being released. In many studies, they have found that by resting fields on the seventh year that production of the produce is better than if the field is not rested. It also has the biblical context, refering to the creation when the Creator rested on the seventh day.