Thursday, April 2, 2009

Herb Corner Issue 16

Hey everyone! For the next few months I will be sharing a little bit about each of the twelve cell salts. They are prepared and taken the same way homeopathics are: diluted and succussed (shaken) 6X. Also, these are also non-toxic and can be taken with any medications you may be taking. And anyone, infants, pregnant women, etc. can take them will no problem also. Each newsletter will cover four cell salts. My books with all the information is currently buried, so this is comming from a set of notes that I took.

Calcium Flouride (Calc Fluor) is essintial for the connective tissues. It helps relax tightened muscles and firm up sagging muscles or tissue. Calc fluor can be used for: bone spurs, lower back weakness, cysts, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, cracking joints, etc. Note: For those that are using or looking into flouride treatments, Calc flour can strengthen the enamel on teeth better than the flouride treatment.

Iron Phosphate (Ferrum Phos) is important for the oxygenation of the blood. Ferrum phos is unique because it carries oxygen to all parts of the body and there is no need to worry about iron toxicity. It is helpful during the first symptoms of cold or flu, but is most helpful with blood conditions. These could be as simples as nosebleeds, to hemorrhoages, etc. Other things it can help with are: arthritis, bronchitis, eye inflammation, morning sickness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), etc.

Potassium Chloride (Kali Mur) is used in conditions where there is grey or think white mucus. This cell salt works with Fibrin (a protein that helps with the formation of a clot) to keep body fluids in correct thickness. It is very good for auto-immune diseases, bruising, facial redness, heart palpitations, kidney inflammation, nasal congestion, etc.

Magnesium Phosphate (Mag Phos) deals with muscular nerves and fibers. It feeds the heart and cardiovascular system. It is benefitial for spasmodic conditions. Some signs that it is needed: fast onset of cramping, symptoms relieved by heat and pressure. Other uses include: back chills, bloating, cramping, darting pains, etc.

Until next month, have a Happy Easter.