Good Morning. This month I would like to talk a little bit about Hawthorn. The Hawthorn berry grows on a tree and is usually found in California and Utah. The blossoms are white and grow in clusters.
Hawthorn is used for heart conditions. Mainly for Angina, to lower blood pressure, bring oxygen to the heart and provide nutrients. It has also been used for feelings of anxiety in the heart area and weak heartbeats. In addition to being good for the heart, the Hawthorn berry has been used for diarrhea and indigestion.
If you are on heart medication, please consult your physician before use. Because it is used for the heart it may increase the effects of the heart medication.
Remember, diet and lifestyle habits also play a part in heart health. A few other herbs that can be helpful to the heart as well are pricklry ash, ginger, and cayenne.